I saw an anarchist running on the Greenway tonight. He has long dark hair, faded black pants, and was wearing an enormous backpack and combat boots.
I watched him for a while — he was running pretty fast, heading east, the same direction I bike in the evenings, so I had plenty of time to observe as I approached him from behind. My first thought was, “Why is that guy running dressed like that?” and then I thought maybe he was just in a hurry. But he was running at a steady pace, relaxed posture, never checking what time it is. Just running. Running with excellent runner’s form. I should try to run like him, except without the enormous backpack and the combat boots.
So I guess he’s preparing for the revolution, or the collapse of society or something. Maintaining his fitness level so he can fight when needed. I’ve never seen an anarchist running before — not in the 80s when the Rebel Anarchist Bowling League (RABL) was marching in the streets; not in the 90s, when they were occupying the Armory, demanding housing for homeless; not in 2001, when George W. Bush was in office and the Patriot Act was born. I’ve never seen an anarchist running before, but these are dire times, and it’s good to be ready.