
Sean answered the phone the other night to me saying I thought I might have wiped out on the Greenway. He asked where I was, and I expressed some surprise at finding myself at Lake and Cedar, waiting for the 21A.

I can’t swear to what might have happened, but the whole left side of my body is bruised and scraped, and my bike helmet is…well…I guess you could say it is bruised and scraped too.

Somehow, I got home. Me and my bike both. Actually, I went to Midway, and Sean walked over to get me. I remember he said he was going to leave me at CVS while he went to get the car, and I was terrified, so he took me over to Josh McCabe’s house instead, and from there took my bike home, and came back to get me in the car. Josh had me check for my phone and wallet, so no reason to think I’ve been robbed. The doctor asked me if the bike looked like a car had driven over it (which it didn’t). It’s a strange feeling to think I could have been mugged or in a car accident and not remember…although since neither of those things did happen, maybe I would have remembered.

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